This table has a cellspacing of 50. However, due to the border-collapse: collapse declaration, this won't have an effect. | This table has a cellspacing of 50. However, due to the border-collapse: collapse declaration, this won't have an effect. |
This cell has a border. |
There should not be a border between these two elements. However, there should be a border above, to the right and underneath this element. |
This has a grooved border. | This has a inset border, which should look the same as the grooved border in the collapsed border model. |
The border between this cell and that to its right should be a double border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be a solid border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be a dashed border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be a dotted border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be a ridged border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be an outset border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be a grooved border. | The border between this cell and that to its right should be an inset border. | There should not be a border above, below or to the right of this cell. |
The border between this table cell and the one next to it should be the thicker of the two border thicknesses visible around the two cells. | Some dummy content |
The border around this table cell should be blue rather than red. |
The border around the table row should be blue rather than red. |
The border around the cell should be blue rather than red. |
The border between this cell and the one next to it should be blue rather than red. |
The border between this cell and the one next to it should be blue rather than red. |
Because this table has border-collapse: collapse, it should not have 100 pixels of padding, because only cells have padding in the collapsed border model. |
Neither should this:
Because this table has border-collapse: collapse, the row should not have 100 pixels of padding. |
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