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RichInStyle.com test pages: the box model - border-style

This should have a 20px solid border.

This should have a solid vertical and ridged horizontal border.

This should have a solid top, groove bottom and ridged side border.

This should have a solid top, ridged right, grooved bottom and outset left border.


This is a control that lacks a border.
This is a control that has border: 1cm red groove.
This has border: 1cm red groove; border-style: hidden. If the border is not hidden (i.e., there is no border at all - the same as the control above), it should be groove, not solid or none.
This has border: 1cm red groove; border-style: madeup. The border should be groove, not solid or none.
This has border: 1cm red hidden. There should be no border at all.