Test suite - new version, generated from a database of 2000 tests
with results submission and automatic reporting on bugs, etc.
colorizer - select one of the web-safe colors from a grid to view it as a
background, and then see how each of the colors looks as a
foreground, all at once.
CSS2 guide - learn all of
CSS2 from the only guide on the net.
HTML 4 guide - learn all
of HTML from the best guide on the net.
MySite - a free script to give
your users the freedom to select between style schemes or define their own,
with their choice of font sizes, background colors, background images, etc.,
so they see your site the way
they want.
Styling the Web
There can be no doubt
that on the web style is king
- while it might be content that gets the visitors coming back, it is style
that ensures they take
a look in the first place. Fortunately, there exists a very effective means of
adding this style to your pages; a method
known as CSS, or cascading style sheets.
Now for the first time with RichInStyle.com you can use the latest
technologies with confidence - whereas before you would
have been ill-advised to rely on style sheets for styling your pages,
you can now afford to
use them on all your pages and reap all the many benefits that they
bring. This is thanks
to RichInStyle.com's exhaustive bug
pages, which detail nearly 1000 bugs, all
organized into easy-to-read sections, as well as to its bug table, which provides
at-a-glance access to information.
And, if that wasn't enough, RichInStyle.com also provides help on key
areas of web style -
areas such as styling of links, effects with
margins (such as hanging indents), fonts and line
heights, and, most importantly, how to ensure that your styles work
perfectly on every browser.
If you still want more, RichInStyle.com provides free stuff, such
as the MySite script, which allows your users to view your site the way
they want to see it, by
remembering their chosen style and then giving the appropriate style sheet
when they
view your page.
And guess what? That isn't all - RichInStyle.com also provides what is
without doubt the most
complete, easy to understand and useful CSS guide in the known universe.
If that doesn't satisfy you, why not learn
HTML with RichInStyle.com's guide to HTML. Even if you have used HTML
before, you are sure to find something new here.
But wait! There's more - if you want to see how buggy your web browser
really is, why not check
out the test pages - they are far more thorough than anything else
If you are new to CSS or HTML, I suggest you start with one of the the tutorials. If you are not, you'll
know already what they offer, so why not start
with the page of your choice.